

9月26日 (水)東京開催 Human Capital & Industrial Development in Africa

キーワード:セミナー・イベント情報, アフリカ開発銀行, 在京アフリカ大使館, JICA


African Development Bank (AfDB) will organise Pre-TICAD7 Knowledge Event – Human Capital and Industrial Development in Africa – on Wed, 26 Sep 2018, in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
Since Africa has abundant resources and potentials, the most important challenge for Africa and the rest of the world is to unlock these potentials. Industrialization requires a variety of enablers, such as 1) supportive poli-cies, legislation and institutions, 2) conductive economic environments and infrastructure, 3) access to capital and markets, 4) regional integration, and 5) competitive talents, capabilities and entrepreneurship. Speakers will share their ideas and initiatives on human capital and industrial develop-ment in Africa. This Knowledge Event is free of charge and is open to public and private sectors, academia, civil society and anyone interested in Africa.


【AfDB Pre-TICAD7 Knowledge Event】 Human Capital and Industrial Development in Africa


Organiser: AfDB

Co-organiser: UNIDO ITPO TOKYO

Date:   26 September (wed)

Time:   16:30-18:30

(Registration starts at 16:00)

Venue:  United Nations University
Elizabeth Rose Hall
5-53-70 Jingumae Shibuya-ku (Tokyo, Japan)

Language:  English only

Registration:  https://www.entrysta.com/form/afdbevent 

*Registration deadline: 24 Sep 2018

Contact:  Mr. Endo, Ms. Suga, African Development Bank
Tel: +81-(0)3-4589-8721
E-mail:  m.suga@afdb.org


Event notice



Welcome & opening remarks


Keynote speech
Dr. Keijiro Otsuka, Professor, Kobe University


Panel Discussion


Dr. Tetsushi Sonobe, Vice President, GRIPS


H.E. Mrs. Ndiyoi Muliwana Mutiti, Ambassador of Zambia
Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
Mr. Tadashi Yokoyama, Head, Asia External Representation, AfDB
Mr. Toru Homma, Senior Advisor, JICA