BOP/Inclusive Business and New Business Launching

One of the business areas in developing countries in which Japanese companies are expected to involve in is so-called BOP (bottom/base of the pyramid) Business. BOP Business serves poor people and general public as consumers or beneficiaries. Thus, Japanese companies participating or launching BOP business are expected to contribute to poverty reduction and improvement in living standards of developing countries. BOP Business is also called Inclusive Business as it can result in poverty reduction and the creation of job opportunities.

Any new enterprises including BOP in Africa will confront numerous challenges. However, such new enterprises can produce goods and services required by society, create job opportunities, develop human resources, heighten technological standards, expand tax revenue, present precedent business model for others to mock and invite other enterprises.

This section contains information of Japanese and Japanese companies launching business including BOP in Africa. We will welcome the submission of any additional information. By the way, economic activities relevant to Agriculture, Health, Environment & Water and Education, which are the four most significant areas in the development of Africa will be posted under each of their own section instead of on this page.

Japan Inclusive Business Support Center (The Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI))

The Forefront of BOP & Inclusive Business: Innovation in Africa 

Overview report of Nomura Research Institute

Overview report of BPO business (Nomura Research Institute)  (in Japanese)

UNDP Report of Inclusive Business

『アフリカの富の実現 Realizing Africa’s Wealth, 共栄のためのインクルーシブビジネスの構築 Building Inclusive Business for Shared Prosperity 』

Japanese version

English version

Activities of Japanese Enterprises

Kaneka Corporation “Keep China away by various ‘wigs’” (in Japanese)

(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business”  (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)

Panasonic Corporation “Lighting and charger for unelectrified area, and deliver our brand”  (in Japanese)

(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business”  (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)

PILOT Corporation “Challenge with 30 yen pens created by apartheid”  (in Japanese)

(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business”  (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)

TAIYO INDUSTRY AFRICA INC. “Animation TV ‘ TAIYO channel’ in Nigeria”

(issued on 9 May 2014)

Office 5 Taranto  “Honey fair trade”  (in Japanese)

(The International Development Journal” Issued in March 2012)

AMP MUSIC “From Kenyan slums to the world”  (in Japanese)

(The International Development Journal” Issued in August 2012)



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