Human Resources Development for Supporting African Business

Human resources development is one of the areas in which Japan has given priority and is highly expected to contribute to. At TICAD V, Prime Minister Abe announced the creation of “African Business Education Initiative for the Youth” or “ABE Initiative,” the program that invites 1,000 African youths in five years to let them learn at Japanese universities or graduate schools and then work as interns in Japan. This program is to foster industrial human resources that will lead to the creation of job opportunities for 30,000 in five years and also to promote public-private partnership with African administration officials.

In this way, the schemes for the development of human resources supporting African business are expected to expand with the contributions of Japanese professionals and corporations in cooperation with public sector.

This section will provide information mainly on the progress of preparation and implementation of human resources development schemes based on the public-private-partnership. Moreover, since development of business itself can positively influence human resources development as well as public sector that support private sector-led growth, we would like to actively share specific cases for the efforts of human resources development by Japanese companies expanding into Africa such as the Toyota Kenya Academy.

Besides the African human resources development, the recruitment and training of Japanese people aspiring to engage in African business and Africans who have experiences studying and/or staying in Japan are also significant for African business.

Thus, if requested, we will post recruitment information for projects or business relevant to Africa in the section as well.

African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative)  (in Japanese)

Relevant information of JICA

Ethiopia: Diffusion of Kaizen and improvement of science and mathematics education

(JICA annual report of 2013) (in Japanese)

Do They Know It’s Africa kaizen – Honma Toru JICA International Cooperation Specialist

(Dated 27 News in May 2013 JICA website) (in Japanese)

Senegal: Develop instructors Democratic Republic of the Congo in The Vocational and Technical Training Center (CFPT/Senegal-Japan)

(JICA annual report of 2012) (in Japanese)

‘Contribution of industrial human resource development by African Development Bank’

(Ms. Keiko Takei, a Japanese staff of African Development Bank) (in Japanese)

Relevant information of HIDA

Activities of Japanese enterprises/educational institutes

Efforts of Kobe Institute of Computing with ICT human resource development of the Republic of Rwanda’

(Information provided July 16, 2014) (in Japanese)

Recruitment Ad of African business and projects

