Private Sector Development in Africa
In order to help develop the African business environment, international organizations and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are cooperating with the African governments to support and develop the private sector. Support that is given for developing is not only basic infrastructure such as electricity supply, roads and transportation systems, and water supply but also soft infrastructure including legal systems, regulatory reforms and financial sector that are significant in facilitation of economic activities. Whether these international support has contributed to the smooth development business environment or not will be crucial for future investment decisions.
Private sector development is an area where Japan’s proactive contributions and Japanese experts’ positive participation are expected. The Japanese government is a major contributor of the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) that was created by the African Development Bank to actively support private sector development.
The information in this section features the key progress in private sector development that are considered especially important for Japans’ future involvement in African business. We will also share activities in which Japan has participated in and is expected to participate. Infrastructure development will be covered by the “African Infrastructure Development” section.
Information related to African Development Bank Group
Seminar ” Transforming African: AfDB’s Long-Term Strategy and the Prospect of the Private Sector Development in Africa ” (Held on 13 Oct 2012)
–Program (in Japanese)
-Presentation materials
『Supporting Africa’s Transformation』
『African Development Bank : A Partner to Invest in Africa’s Future 』
-Summary (Reprinted from THE AFRICA SOCIETY OF JAPAN’s organ “AFRICA” spring issue of 2013-No.1) (in Japanese)
“AfDB Strategy for 2013–2022 – At the Center of Africa’s Transformation”
“Supporting The Transformation of The Private Sector in Africa” (in Japanese)
EPSA:Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa between the Japanese government and AfDB (in Japanese)
*Conceptual diagram (in Japanese)
FAPA:Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (in Japanese)
*List of FAPA cases (in Japanese)
Activities of JICA to support and develop private sector
Côte d’Ivoire: Toward a “Second Ivorian Miracle” (JICA Annual report of 2013) (in Japanese)
IFC Enterprises to support and develop private sector
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