Small and Medium-sized Companies doing business actively in Africa
This section contains information introducing small and medium-sized companies being involved in African business.
Changes in economic activities in African and other developing countries have brought business opportunities for small and medium-sized companies in Japan. Some of them have taken risks to move into Africa. Some of them, in the form of BOP/Inclusive business, have provided finished products or raw materials based on the demands of firms in Africa or have imported unique African products to Japan. The scope of business in Africa will further expand with the increased efforts of small and medium-sized companies.
The Japanese government has taken various policy measures to actively support small and medium-sized companies’ to expand their business in overseas. Under the schemes of JICA and JETRO, some of these companies started to cooperate with consulting firms to plan and prepare for business in Africa.
What we are trying to do on this website, this webpage is to gather and share information submitted voluntarily by small- to medium-companies who can introduce specific cases of African business to help each other in developing their business.
Overviews of Africa Business Partners
Activities of Japanese Enterprises
※Links below are all in Japanese
- Kaiho Sangyo co., LTD. “Bring Japanese automobile recycling technology into the world”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in May 2012)
- Kaiho Sangyo co., LTD. “BOP cooperation in Nigeria”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in October 2012)
- TOYOTOMI CO., LTD. “kerosene cooking stove for Nigeria and India”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in August2013)
- The Travelers Guardian Inc. “We want to tell about the attractiveness of Africa”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in August 2013)
- BMC International “Advance into African market through collection and management system of added-value tax”
(Provided 29 November 2013)
- Nippon Poly-Glu Co., Ltd. “Water supply and job creation by depuratives”
(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business” (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)
- NISHIZAWA LIMITED, inc. “Capture Nigeria with ‘overseas Indians'”
(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business” (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)
- Saraya Co., Ltd. “Antiseptic solution that save human lives in countries without waterworks”
(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business” (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)
- PHILIA.Co.,Ltd. “We would like to contribute to countermeasures for malaria and dengue fever”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in September 2013)
- SEEDAFRICA “Farm machine rental in Tanzania”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in August 2013)
- SAKA NO TOCHU Co., Ltd. “Make Uganda into a major organic agricultural country”
(Provided on 13 December 2013)
- SAKA NO TOCHU Co., Ltd. “Support organic farming of sesame in Uganda”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in July 2013)
- K. Kobayashi & Co., Ltd. “Moroccan pepper cultivation project”
(Provided on 26 November 2013)
- Office 5 Taranto “Honey fairtrade”
(“The International Development Journal” Issued in March 2012)
- AMP MUSIC ” From Kenyan slums to the world”
(“The International Development Journal” Issued in August 2012)
- Organic Solutions Japan “Development of refresher made with microbe in Rwanda”
(“The International Development Journal” Issued in November 2012)
- Rexvirt Communications “IT offshore business from Japan”
(“The International Development Journal” Issued in March 2013)
- Alliance Factory Inc. “Import bamboo bicycles from Zambia”
(“The International Development Journal” Issued in September 2013)
- Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co., Ltd. “Walk with Mozambique – to build a model of local consumption of local production”
(Provided on 29 November 2013)
- METAWATER Co., Ltd. “Delivered on-vehicle water clarification apparatus”
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in October 2012)
- OSA Japan “Introduction of environmental projects in Kenya”
(Provided on 3 January 2014)
- East Africa Sales Promotion Limited (EASP) “Starting information services and customs clearance agency in Tanzania and other countries”
(Provided on 15 January 2014)
- HIROKI SANGYO Co., Ltd. “The first company established production base in Africa”
(JETRO “Tsusho Koho” issued on January 29, 2014)
- TAIYO INDUSTRY AFRICA INC. “Animation TV ‘TAIYO channel’ in Nigeria”
(Provided on May 9, 2014)
IKEUCHI TOWEL. (Coming soon)
Support Japanese SMEs expanding into Africa
Devex Japan/KT1 International (in Japanese)
Launch of funds that invest in Japanese SMEs engaged in African business (in Japanese)
- 2016/11/11
- 「アフリカ出身ビジネスパーソン活用セミナー」 「アフリカビジネスセミナー」 ~ 同日・同会場にて開催!~
- 12月2日(金)に、アフリカ関連イベントを同日・同会場にて開催します!
- 2016/06/13
- UNIDO東京:ケニア ビジネスセミナー(大阪)
- ※6/16プログラムを更新しました※ UNIDO東京事務所は、ケニア投資庁からヘザー・ムニャオ投資促進官を招聘し、大阪及び関西エリアを拠点とする日本企業を対象に、6 […]
- 2016/05/30
- 「~先行事例に学ぶ~対アフリカ戦略セミナー」のご案内
- 今夏ケニア・ナイロビでのTICADⅥ開催にあたり、にアフリカビジネスを先行しておこなってきた欧州企業や日本企業にご講演いただきます。今後アフリカでの事業展開の検討にお役立てください。
- 2016/03/09
- ジェトロ 「アフリカビジネス実証セミナー」のご案内
- ジェトロ・アフリカビジネス実証事業を活用された企業の方にご講演いただき、 本事業の活用方法と、アフリカビジネスにおいて直面するリスクやチャン スについてご紹介するセミナーを開催します。
- 農林水産省
- 2016/01/20
- 農林水産省のアフリカ関連事業(平成28年度)
- この度、農林水産省は、平成28年度のアフリカ関連事業(補助・委託)について公示いたしましたのでお知らせします。
- 2016/01/08
- TICAD VIに向けて UNDP-JICA公開シンポジウム「アフリカの包括的な開発の促進:若者と女性エンパワーメントの経済学」
- 1月20日(水)15時から、国連大学で、TICAD VIに向けたUNDP-JICA公開シンポジウム「アフリカの包括的な開発の促進:若者と女性エンパワーメントの経済学」 を開催します。大きく変貌を遂げつつあるアフリカの今後に若者と女性が果たす役割の重要性を、広範な関係者を交えて議論します。
- 2016/01/07
- JICA中小企業海外展開支援セミナー開催 ~アフリカの開発とビジネス展開の可能性~ 1月26日(火)@富山
- 今後さらなる経済成長と投資環境整備が期待され、ビジネス市場として注目を浴びるアフリカ。日本の開発支援の現状とともに「アフリカの今」を知り、ビジネス展開の可能性に注目してください。ご参加をお待ちしています!
- 野村総合研究所
- 2015/12/14
- 出版情報:「アフリカ進出戦略ハンドブック」(東洋経済新報社)が出版されました
- 12月10日に東洋経済新報社より、アフリカ進出戦略ハンドブックが出版されました。 野村総合研究所のアフリカビジネスを専門とするコンサルタントが 実際に日本企業のアフリカ市場進出、 […]
- 2015/11/25
- 「東アフリカ経済セミナー」~東アフリカの経済概況と日系企業のビジネスチャンス~
- ケニアを中心とした東アフリカの現地情勢と今後の経済成長及び展望、ビジネス環境につき、ジェトロナイロビ事務所長が一時帰国の機会に最新の現地情報を提供します。
- 2015/11/24
- 「東アフリカのゲートウェイ・ジブチ共和国ビジネス環境セミナー」のご案内
- 東アフリカへの海上からのゲートウェイとして注目されているジブチ共和国の経済概況を「知る」とともに、 実際にジブチでのビジネスに携わる企業との「ネットワーキング」の場としてご活用ください!