African Development Support and Business Opportunities
Development assistance operations are the official operations that international organizations and governments of developed countries conduct in cooperation with the governments of developing countries. Private sector companies also gradually started to support development assistance while volunteers and non-government organizations have been activating such assistance.
Development assistance operations are also the key economic activities that can substitute or complement government sector operations in developing countries and represent a major business area in which private companies and expert consultants participate in. Public-private partnership is indispensable for successful development projects.
As Japan’s development assistance for Africa has been expanded, Japanese citizens and companies become more involved in such assistance; now many Japanese are working in and with Africa.
This section introduces the information about how Japanese people and companies have participated in the public-private partnership in the development assistance for Africa, and what business opportunities such assistance has created. Specific cases with the Japanese participations in African development projects will be introduced under the section, “Japanese Companies Participation in Development Projects,” which will also contains links to major Africa-related development organizations.
TICAD and ODA (Documents of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
Here we offer the basic documents that clarify Japanese assistance measures and specific contents announced at TICAD V, created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Japan’s assistance Package for Africa at TICAD V (in Japanese)
Yokohama Action Plan (appendix) (in Japanese)
2013 Priority Policy for International Cooperation (announced after TICAD V) (in Japanese)
TICAD V and JICA’s Approaches in Africa
Activity report (JICA annual report of 2012) (in Japanese)
JICA’s performance records of Japanese ODA loan for Africa (after 2005)
Under Prepartion
Performance records of grant aid (2012)
(in Japanese)
JICA resumed its overseas investment and lending operations
(in Japanese)
See documents (in Japanese)
JBIC’s performance records of investment and loan for Africa 
Support African business of Japanese enterprises (Reprinted from “JBIC Today”, 2012 October) (in Japanese)
Information about The African Development Bank
Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa (in Japanese)
– conceptual diagram (in Japanese)
GRIPS Development Forum HP, Industrial policy dialogue with Ethiopia (JICA · GRIPS)
(in Japanese)
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- このイベントは終了しました。 UNIDO東京事務所は、ウガンダ投資庁(UIA)からホープ・ワイラ上級投資促進官を招聘し、大阪及び関西エリアを拠点とする日本企業を対象にビジネスセミナーを開催し […]