Public-Private Partnership Initiatives for Health, Medical and Nutrition Services led by Private Sector
The improvement of health services for everyone in every part of society is one of the priorities cited within the Yokohama Declaration. Prime Minister Abe told at TICAD V, “In Japan, we have built up a system in which anyone can readily visit a hospital even for minor health concerns. I would like to utilize the system and experiences of Japan in Africa. We will promote the health care that everyone can access, in other words, the universal health coverage (UHC). I intend to make UHC one of the Japanese brand.”
In the area of public health, the public sector as well as ODA has been playing a key role. However, in Africa and other regions, various attempts to provide medical and health services and improve health and nutrition conditions without depending on public funds and goodwill contributions are pursued by private sector-led or public-private partnership initiatives.
Various business models are conceivable in this area. On the one hand, companies seek the business model that can secure income covering costs for sustainable services. On the other hands, companies may bear part of costs under their corporate social responsibility programs and provide risk money without pursuing high returns. The examples of the well-known contributions to health, medical and nutrition services of Japanese companies in Africa are Olyset Net of Sumitomo Chemical Co. in Tanzania, KoKo Plus of Ajinomoto Co. in Ghana and Alliance Forum Foundation’s Spirulina Project for improving nutrition conditions in Zambia.
In this section, we will offer information kindly provided by Japanese companies about their contributions to health and medical services, business models relevant to public health improvement and cases of technical cooperation of ODA in Africa.
Activities of Japanese enterprises and organizations
Alliance Forum Foundation Nutrition project “Spirulina Project”
Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited “The pursuit of ‘business’ development” (in Japanese)
(Reprinted from “International Development Journal”, issued in March 2013)
AJINOMOTO CO., INC “Business strategy for co-creation of value” (in Japanese)
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in September 2012)
(Presentation at the Japan-Africa Business Forum 2014 in June 2014)
PHILIA.Co.,Ltd. “We would like to contribute to countermeasures for malaria and dengue fever” (in Japanese)
(Reprinted from “The International Development Journal” Issued in September 2013)
Saraya Co.,Ltd. “Antiseptic solution that save human lives in countries without waterworks” (in Japanese)
(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business” (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)
TERUMO Corporation “Terumo’s Activities in Africa”
(Presentation at the Japan-Africa Business Forum 2014 in June 2014)
Relevant projects
Collaboration Helps Improve Nutrition in Africa (in Japanese)
(ODA White Paper 2012)
(JICA website, news of 31 May 2012)
Project Aims to Reduce Infant and Child Mortality Rate in Zambia (in Japanese)
(ODA White Paper 2012)
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