Surveys, Analyses and Papers on African Economies and Business

We would like to share the results of surveys, analyses and research papers about African economic, social and political situations that are useful for the study of African economies, business environments, opportunities and risk management.

JICA’s Business, Investigation and report related to Africa

(in Japanese)

“Analyze the World from Africa, and Think about Japan”

(in Japanese)

Issued on 15 February 2014, Reprint from Japan Foreign Trade Council “Japan Foreign Trade Council Monthly Report”

“China continues to focus on Africa”

(in Japanese)

Issued on 17 March 2014, Reprint from Mizuho Research Institute report


“Introduction to African Business by Akira Ikegami”

Akira Ikegami (Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.) Issued on 20 November 2013


Mika Matsumura (Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc.) Issued on 23 December 2013

“Last market, Africa – Where is business change and risks”

Shuichi Nomura and James Kuria (NIPPON JITSUGYO PUBLISHING) Issued  on 13 February 2014



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