アフリカ開発銀行(勤務地:アビジャン)の個人コンサルタント募集 2016年1月6日応募締切
アフリカ開発銀行(本部:アビジャン)は、日本政府及びオーストリア政府が支援する民間セクター支援基金(FAPA)の実施を促進するために、2016年2月1日から一年間(延長可)の契約で個人コンサルタントを募集いたします。勤務地は当行本部所在地のコートジボワール国アビジャン市です。以下の募集内容にご関心がある方は、2016年1月6日12時(アビジャン現地時間)までに、関心表明(expression of interest)を指定のメールアドレスまでご送付ください。
Fund for African Private Sector Assistance
1. The African Development Bank has established, with support from the governments of Japan and Austria, the Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA), a multi-donor thematic trust fund aimed at providing technical assistance and capacity building for implementation of the Bank’s Private Sector Development (PSD) Strategy. A Secretariat has been established in the Private Sector Department (OPSD) to, among others, (i) provide advice and guidance to task managers in project origination, preparation, approval and supervision (ii) run day-to-day operations (approval committee, technical and institutional reviews, disbursements) and (iii) follow up on project/program completion, reporting and evaluation. The Secretariat is now faced with the immediate challenge of keeping up with a growing volume of technical assistance requests and monitoring an ever larger portfolio of ongoing technical assistance projects. Specialized expertise is needed to further raise the quality at entry of FAPA-funded projects and improve the measurement of development results.
2. Therefore, to enhance its effectiveness and assist with specific tasks, the department requires the support of a consultant with specific expertise in trust fund administration and in the provision of technical assistance, advisory services and capacity building related to private sector development.
3. Individual Consultants are hereby invited to express interest in the above-mentioned assignment by submitting their Curriculum Vitae by email to p.ide@afdb.org. This opportunity is limited to citizens of the Bank’s member countries and requires, at a minimum, an advanced (M.A. level) degree, fluency in English and/or French and at least 5 years of relevant experience. Registration in the Bank’s DACON system is encouraged (go to http://dacon.afdb.org/dacon/) and registered applicants are requested to provide their DACON number with their expression of interest.
4. The eligibility criteria, the establishment of a short list and the selection procedure shall be in conformity with the Bank’s Rules and Procedures for Acquisition of Consulting Services funded by the Administrative or Capital Expenditure Budget, February 2012. Please note that interest expressed by a Consultant does not imply any obligation on the part of the Bank to include him/her in the shortlist.
5. The estimated duration of services is one year, which may be renewable, and the estimated starting date is 01 February 2016.
6. Expressions of interest must be received at the address below no later than 06 January 2016 at 12:00 hrs local (Abidjan) time and specifically mentioning “Consultant Services for FAPA Trust Fund Operations.”
For questions regarding this announcement, contact:
Peter IDE
Tel: +225 2026 2743
E-mail: p.ide@afdb.org