Japan-Africa Business Forum 2014 & Related Events
◆◆◆Forum and related events have successfully completed.◆◆◆
With the collaboration of African Diplomatic Corps (ADC) and the African Development Bank External Representation Office for Asia (ASRO), the first Japan-Africa Business Forum 2014 was held in June 10th and 11th in Tokyo with the theme, “Succeeding In Africa: Unlocking Growth & Opportunities.” More than 100 business leaders and officers of public sector who represent Africa joined the Forum to present recent business trends. There were also more than a thousand Japanese participants who are involving in African Business and its development. Participants had lively discussions over various topics and fields to further enhance business partnership between Japan and Africa and also to expand business opportunities in Africa.
Concept Note 
The Participants List with Profiles 
◆VIDEO: “Succeeding In Africa: Unlocking Growth & Opportunities”
Click below to jump to the corresponding line
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Business Opportunities in individual regions of Africa
- Business Partnership Seminar A-1
- Business Partnership Seminar A-2
- Business Partnership Seminar A-3
African Diplomatic Corps(ADC) / African Development Bank(AfDB)
Ministry of Finance / Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries / Keidanren / Keizai Doyukai / JOGMEC / JBIC / UNIDO / UNDP / World Bank Group / The African Society of Japan / Association of African Economy and Development Japan / Alliance Forum Foundation / Africa Business Promotion Support Network
Nikkei Business Planning and Editorial Center
9:00〜9:30 | Opening Session Welcome by Dr. Mohau Pheko (Ambassador oft he Republico f South Africa; ForumChairperson
9:30〜10:00 | Setting the Stage:“Succeeding In Africa: Unlocking Growth & Opportunities Introduced by Dr.M ohau Pheko (Ambassador oft he Republico f South Africa; Forum Chairperson)
10:00〜12:30 | Plenary Session 1:Energy and Infrastucture Investing in Energy, Power and Natural Resource(10:05-11:15) Moderator
11:20〜12:30 | Transportation, Water, Social Infrastructures
Keynote Speaker
12:30〜13:30 | Networking lunch reception Introduction of The African Lions -Younger Generation of African entrepreneurs Greeting
13:40〜14:55 | Plenary Session 2: Agribusiness
15:00〜15:40 | Presentations by METI and Representative of Japanese Enterprise:How Japanese enterprises can contribute to Africa’s move to more advanced industrial structure? (1) |
15:45〜16:55 | Plenary Session 3: Healthy Africa
17:00〜18:10 | Plenary Session 4: Risk Management
18:10〜18:15 | Day 1 Closing |
9:30〜10:00 | Presentation by Representative of Japanese Enterprise(2)
10:00〜11:30 | Plenary Session 5: Finance: Investment Value and Raising Fund
Keynote Speaker
11:30〜12:00 | Closing Speech
13:00〜14:00 | Doing Business in West Africa
14:00〜15:00 | Doing Business in North Africa
15:00〜16:00 | Doing Business in Central Africa
16:00〜17:00 | Doing Business in Southern Africa |
17:00〜18:00 | Doing Business in East Africa |
- Presentation of Countries
- Presentation of Enterprise
- Sector, Theme
- Presentation of Japanese Enterprise
12:30 | Rwanda
13:00 | Djibouti Strategic Location
13:30 | Uganda Investment Opportunities in Kenya
14:00 | Kenya Investment Opportunities in Kenya
15:00 | Madagascar
15:30 | South Africa Doing business in South Africa
16:00 | Mauritania
16:30 | Algeria Algeria Economic Environment and Business Opportunities
17:00 | Tunisia
17:30 | Egypt
12:30 | Gateway Innovations
13:00 | NEC
13:30 | Safaricom
14:00 | Bolloré
14:30 |
15:00 | Amatheon Agri
15:30 | YAMAHA
16:00 | Senegal
16:30 | Togo Les opportunités d’investissement au Togo
Burkina Faso
Côte d’Ivoire
17:00 | |
17:30 |
12:30 | Partnership
13:00 | Invest Africa and African Capital Investments
13:30 | Ethiopian Airlines
14:00 | Mauritius/span>
14:30 | Partnership with India
15:00 |
15:30 | Morocco
16:00 | ABE Initiative / JICA
16:30 |
17:00 | Mozambique
17:30 | Angola
Presentations for the Related Events are available below:
◆The Forefront of BOP & Inclusive Business: Innovation in Africa (June 12th) ◆East African Community (EAC) Business Seminar
(June 12th) ◆Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa (EPSA) Seminar
(June 13th)
Seminar Report by JICA
(in Japanese)
Forum Report by EY Japan
(in Japanese)